A quick but inviting paddle on the Bark River a great way to end the day. Monday looms; I hope the serenity holds me to at least break.
I wonder how Team Kruger fared as the storms blew in - The Capt'n
I load up a day bag thermos of coffee and bagel. Grab for the wood paddles. dawn the wool and head out for a reflective paddle in the early morning light.
This area is so rich in Native American History, the autumn colors are a great back drop for reflection. Very humbling.
Time to paddle, enrich the mind - The Capt'n
Looking at some lake property... Hmm could probably afford the dwelling the the land and taxes will kill ya.
We put in at Arena and did an up river paddle for an hour or so, cut wood, set camp and caught this wonderful sunset.
I introduced Debbie to Glacier Sipp'n water (pineapple vodka over ice), Sky lanterns and one of my favorite camp meals, grilled quesadillia.
In her altered state, I forced her to listen to my twisted tales of high sea adventures and lore..... You know, the days of ironmen and wooden ships. A pirates life for me sort of stuff.
Good luck my friends, see you out on the pond!
Sorry about the ankle Boo, rest elevate and some ice!!
Jeep is packed, boat is loaded. I have been scouring the paddling southern Wisconsin trail guide, too many choices!! One thing for sure back wheels will be rolling at 4:31pm; destination unknown.
Capt'n reporting
This is no coincidence my friend, I'm looking for crop circles - The Capt'n
We put in on Fowler lake made our way up the Oconomowoc river then portaged to Oconomowoc lake. We then dropped back into the Oconomowoc river up to Okauchee lake. On our return we stopped in at the Kiltie Drive Inn for lunch and custard. Kathy was duped by the car hop; We thought for sure she was going to boil over, especially after getting hefty speeding ticket on the way to the put-in. She amazed us and took it in stride.
We celebrated our successful paddle by review at the “German Bar” nestled on the shores of Fowler lake. Now the events at this tavern are very clear to me, though others may express their own views, but the fact of the matter is; Jim lost his pants! Ask me no questions I tell you no lies… but truth be told!! There was a MCP depanting!!
More pelting rain during the dinner hour, found us tucked in to Fiesta’s Mexican restaurant for a Mucho Bueno Dinner and more laughter at Jim’s expense.
True to form, the rain subsided after dinner and we had another fine camp fire by Vern.
Sunday - the sun shown bright! We almost forgot what the sun was, but relished in its warmth on our faces.
A short shuttle and we were off! We put in at Prince’s Point on the Bark river and made our way down to Fort Atkinson were we were greeted by the remains of the music festival Rhythm on the River.
It was extremely windy and Skylar (10yrs. Old) struggled in his play boat. I set up a tow and it was working pretty well, until the wind caught his bow pushed him sideways and he dumped! A quick rescue found him nestled in my canoe and we towed his kayak to a quieter section of the river.
We all made it off with out other incident. Safe and sound we said our good byes. Till then… paddle paddle.
The End.