Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Emotional stir - part 4

Big Medicine.

It takes us minutes to pack up; weather perfect early am; no dew, tents and gear dry as your grand daddy's skull.  Packing heavy we needed to tie in gear, but with  water like milk glass, no need to take the time stowing gear.

We take pause, our last look at the island.  In an adventure challenge you probably wouldn't look twice as you paddled through, but this is not a challenge, this is "big medicine"  We take away fond memories and an extremely nice collection of shells; "Be careful of the shells" ~ "yes dear"

*  I'd send you to the Urban dictionary for "their" definition of Big Medicine, but there is none; being nomadic, on the water with your daughter, with close ties to nature, is big medicine. It is un-describable to most and it appears the youthful masses have yet to experience it, let alone define it; don't even get me started on nature deficit disorder.

**  I get distracted and put in my name "Brian" ; I start putting in other names, like our encounter with "naked man" it's hard to look away. ~ I'm just saying...

We paddle out into what looks like fog, but soon realize there must be a fire some where as the smoke hangs heavy on the water. Our pace slow but steady, ghosting through the dense smoke, a schooner anchored looks to be docile, yet still a mystery; could easily be a haven for degenerates and contraband.  I am a story teller and I become entranced in my thoughts; A vivid imagination is a wonderful thing; I come up with all sorts of schemes and adventure.  Hmm I have a pirate daughter.

to be continued...

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