Friday, April 22, 2011

Rock Hounds and Paddle Tramps

As luck would have it, Open Mic at Waterhouse Foods; this made way for good music great food and musings of adventure. A "bing" of the phone...

Finds the "Rock Hound" Christy Smith (Geologist) sharing tales of adventure in the Northwest territories while duffing it in a Hudson Bay 21' freighter.
It appears the V2 video sparked energy for an Archive Dive; just another rock hound living the geologist dream.
Christy worries me, he knows me all too well, no adventure story counts unless you have pictures to back it up; with a click of the mouse he forwards me a couple of pics and weaves mystery and intrigue into the adventure.
With the rebirth of the true coffee house and the advances of new technologies, adventures unfold. I may have found my calling "Paddle Tramp" seeker of truth.
Give me a hot steamy cup of coffee and some blue water and we're good to go...
The Capt'n

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