Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Space Cowboy / Wrangler

NASA Image tracking space debris
Sweet Judy!!
There has been some banter on the WaterTribe Website about where to take a dump when you are on a challenge like the EC, UM and the daunting FC. We really got bigger disposal problems:
The Sky is Falling:
The shoot down of the spy satellite USA-193 sparked talk about the graveyard of outer space, which is crowded with some 17,000 spent rocket stages, dead or dying satellites and countless crumbs of human-made orbital flotsam. An average of one object has reentered Earth's atmosphere every day. Some of the Russian crap are small nuclear reactors in dead spy satellites...
A new industry and business is born; Space Cowboy/ Wrangler : new ops in the custodial arts - The Capt'n

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