Sunday, April 5, 2009

What a...

What a difference a day makes. This morning found me and K-dog (Koa) searching for the lee shore to put in without getting pounded by in-coming snow squalls and waves. The wind was supposed to pick up bringing heavy snow, but the radar brought us good news and it looked pretty good at the put in.
We paddled up the east shore of Rock Lake. It was actually quite nice out once we got moving. I knew there would be morning glass to paddle on the North shore of the lake so we worked our way up. For me, this is the best time to paddle, not a soul on the water.
Ah yes, you can almost feel the silky water beneath the hull. The snow let up and made for some outstanding paddling. Personally I would rather paddle in the snow then in the rain. Either way I needed to get out and paddle with the Hugh Heward 50 coming up at the end of the month.
Just another day in paradise - Unknown

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