Cherokee Marsh (extensive wetland complex of more then 2000 acres) lies on the northeast side of Madison, Wisconsin and marks the entry of the Yahara River into Lake
Mendota - one of the major lakes for which Madison is known for.
John arrived about 15 minutes before me and was already on the water. I gave him a lesson in how to portage a Kruger. I had the drag line out and pulled the Sea-Wind across the frozen wood chips. John just shook his head and smiled. No dragging his beautiful canvas wood canoe.
John against a back drop of snow clouds
A jewel of a location so close to the city of Madison. A very nice and convenient place to get the boat wet in November.
John and I put in a couple hours watching the storm clouds roll by. The sun won out as a brisk Northerly pushed the clouds to the South. We were hoping to see some real snow, but were denied.
Where Canvas meets Kevlar
We were given a gift this Sunday morning. The air was crisp and the sun shown bright. We drifted in the shallows sharing a Thermos of coffee talk adventure and taking it all in.
Does it get any better then this in November - The Capt'n
Neat place to "gunk hole" or just snuggle into a spot and wait on the wildlife to go by.
Thought I might see you out there... with big pond to the east all cold and nasty
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