Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sunday - Is Fun Day

Another great to be out on the water. High winds and dropping temperatures fore-casted. Didn't see any of it this morning. Blue skies and the sun burning bright energized what is left of the fall colors. The icky stuff is still North and to the West.
Cruised the shoreline. Lots of people or raking (poor bastards) and few people taking advantage of the good weather to get their piers and boat lifts out.
Nobody out on the water. I had the lake to myself. Again... :-)
Canoeists and other primitive-trippers are not delighted to encounter others intent on the same private experience. How many visitors constitute the end of wilderness? -
John A. Livingston
Played around with my Lowrance H2Oc a bit. My eyesight is so poor, not sure if the chart function will do me much good. Bobbing around trying to read the chart should prove interesting. I have yet to get out on the water with it.

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