Saturday, August 25, 2007

Warm summer days and lazy nights

Ah life out on the water. Those warm summer days and the lazy nights. Totally in our element totally relaxed and loving it.

Laura taking it all in as we leisurly get our day moving. Looking forward to an easy day of paddling and working our way down the lakes. Wind is really howling, we plan to stay to the lee of the windward shore.

We thought we had seen the last of the boat pulls, but one more for good measure. Wasn't too bad, not compared to what we have seen in previous days.

Laura smiles for the camera as we take a short break on one of the many islands we came across. A very windy day of paddling. We did get pulled over by a ranger making his way up the lake. Very pleasant. He asked for our travel documents and we were on our way.

I over shot our destination.... again and we had to do some very hard paddling into the wind to get to our island. We arrived and settled in. We were 6 hours from the world. We soaked up as much of the experience as we could.

A little swimming, cribbage and the last of our hot meals. So windy today that nobody was on the water. We would later learn that many groups were pinned on the wrong shore waiting it out.

Ely, where the road ends and the adventure begins - unknown

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