Monday, May 2, 2011

This is how we roll

Photo by: Canoe Across America

This is how we canoeist roll; Ole number #7 portage pack, a Blue Barrel and a Pelican case for your delicates. Here Darrin is sporting new 16' inch wheels on the portage cart. Keep'er moving. Check him out as he paddles across America.

Back home Sandy and I went out for a high wind up hill paddle on the Oconomowoc River from Concord - to Ocononowoc; or at least in that direction. We only went a mere 5 miles in the current and wind, but it was over two hours of paddling. (needing to leave room for my Sunday afternoon nap)
Canoe Travels: Planning, Executing, Enjoying...

12,800 more to go

Anyone checking out Jim's SPOT track today will know that he did quite a bit of paddling. He got in a lot of miles today. Haven't heard from yet tonight so I know he's probably all tuckered out. He's camped on the eastern - more...
I feel all rested. - The Capt'n

1 comment:

sandy said...

Up hill!!!! You didn't tell me that, now I understand ;)lol Thanks for all the great advice! I hiked the kettles with the pack 5.9 after, you should have joined me!