Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Scouting continues

Patrick headed down to do some scouting of the Wisconsin River yesterday to see what our options might be for a Sunday paddle. Just a tad thick at Arena.
Water flowed farther south at the Hwy 14 bridge put in; with temps in the low teens (at night)continuing the remainder of the week, this too could get a bit crusty.
Here is a shot looking down river at Blackhawk looking towards Ferry Bluff, it may be our safest and best bet for paddling. It appears farther up river at Sauk the Wisconsin river is running free of debris and ice
Hwy 23 put in at Peck's Landing has too much shore ice; getting in the river OK getting out on thin ice not so good.
One more pic of the put in at Arena, a favorite does not look promising; the open water (channel) has moved out from shore. Usually there is a good flow right at beach as the river turns right.
Quoting John
Ice on the river. What is that all about? Sauk Prairie Canoe landing as well as Ferry Bluff is always a safe bet.
I say we meet at Leystra's at 9:30am in Sauk for breakfast on Sunday the 12th, run a quick shuttle to Ferry Bluff, begin the trip at Sauk Prairie Landing, paddle however far past Ferry Bluff we want to go, and then paddle back upstream to the takeout at Ferry Bluff.
With a fire, and lunch in between. This assures us of little ice, gives us somewhat of a one way trip (occasional upstream paddling builds character), and promises that we will be amply fortified with coffee and grub before we embark on this historic adventure. Any other thoughts? Thanks, John

It looks like mother nature will be joining us, weather looks cold and snowy Friday and Saturday; I've done worse things then take a drive in the country to see a river of ice and snow; throw in a hearty breakfast, sounds perfect.
All are invited, paddle at your own risk, dress for the conditions.
The Capt'n

1 comment:

sandy said...

Looks awesome!! What time? :)