Sunday, August 15, 2010

Vangaurd Nomad 17 Sailboat

Great day for sailing, blue skies, winds out of the West at 25mph steady, water temp high 80's; perfect! Friends Jackie and Scott have always made their E scow and Nomad available to us; Boo was up for some sailing so BAMM we were on the water!
The Capt"n get pushed to the crew position and Boo takes the helm. The Nomad is real light on the tiller. Wind whistling in the shrouds, gusts in the 30's. Much drier ride then squeezing into our pram.

Should have brought the GPS, it would have been nice to see how fast we got going. We had quite a wake going as we reached across Rock Lake. The smile says it all.. Whoo Hoo Boo!!
The Capt'n

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