Monday, October 26, 2009

Up and moving

Amateur paddlers turn pro rakers
This is it. Time to push forward and get back to the world. I have been laying low since surgery a week and a half ago. Trying to get up and moving has been more difficult then I imagined.
Gonna take Monday and Tuesday off and return to work on Wednesday. I have yet to make more then one day with out collapsing on the couch and napping for hours. The discomfort keeps me up most of the night... Kinda feel like I'm in Zombieland... ( by the way it is a very entertaining movie).
The girls were life savers this weekend as we are in the midths of autumn and that means leaf raking. Lots and lots of leaf raking. There is only one other poor bastard which has it worse then me when it comes to leaves and that's my neighbor Peter. He goes it alone each year. On rare occasion I see his kids grab the working end of the rake, but its very rare. Poor Bastard.
Anyway my girls rocked the yard! They went pro last year but upped their game this year and took it downtown. I'd say have surgery more often with this type of response, but... NOT!
Marissa did make a comment about me missing out on some great fall paddling this weekend (weather was unseasonably warm and the sun shown bright) She could have gone out, but she stayed home and hung with her pops. Kinda cute all worried and concerned for my well-being.
I did write a short story for a book that is being put together for the MR34o by Race Director Scott Mansker. You can see a preview of it by - Clicking Here - Also a documentary will be coming out on the event and should be available by Christmas. Go to the MR340 site for updates on its release.
Back to the world, Brian.... Back to the world - The Capt'n

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