Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tame the Wisconsin River

Had the need to put in at least once before our adventure to Florida. Cruised up to the Wisconsin River at Peck's Landing, only to find a nasty ice shelf and some deep water. Getting in would be OK; getting out may have proved difficult.
Koa liked the Arena put-in better, and so did I. Water on entry is pretty shallow, leaving some room for error and mis-calculation. Peck's Landing the water was moving pretty fast; not sure how Koa was going to react getting in and out of the canoe as it has been a couple of months since she has been in a boat.
Blue skies and a light breeze; could have been any given summer's day on the river, simply put beautiful.
Clouds started to fill in a bit, but the weather held nicely. I got a call from a friend who was an hour away up wind from me watching the weather; he said it was snowing pretty good.
Self portrait on the float down; dipped into some chocolate macadamia nut coffee, just taking it all in. A couple of small hawks overhead eyeballing lunch.
- Koa watching the shoreline for any movement. Squirrels, bunnies you name it, she wants to chase it. Stayed in the middle of the river to avoid any mishaps.
Some of that Wisconsin River muck sticking to the boat. While I was taking pictures, Koa off on an adventure must have rolled in some dead fish. It was a stinky ride home let me tell you.
Time to pack it in stinky dog and all; a quick stop at the Rutabaga paddling shop to get a new deck compass. Somehow somewhere I left it. Looked all over for it. Drats...
Hour and a half later and down $175.00, I finally left the shop; resin repair kit for paddles, new cook-set, compass and a new stove and KaBAMM!! They gotcha!
Thank goodness Buffalo Wild Wings was across the street, sooth the buyers remorse.
The Capt'n

1 comment:

Silbs said...

Glad you could get out.