Friday, August 19, 2011

Welcome to...

Wyoming Country

For those that were worried that I had gone off the grid and was finished as a blogger. Oh I'm still stumbling around in the dark waiting for the "O" 30 to take hold.
The Capt'n

Camp Fire ~ Steel Cut ~ 1920

Oh there is a lot to be said about campfire coffee; I look for multiple opportunities to be brewing over open fire the next couple of months, paddling trips abound.
Mornings are cooler now, sunrise staggers in late as if having endured a long night out with friends; the density of the air has changed, sun's rays move south, clouds offer unique perspectives on sunsets, the rivers and lakes beckon to be explored; these our the days of the paddler, get up get out and get your paddle camp on. Coffee and Fire
The Capt'n

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Paddles up!

Banner day out on the water; O Dark 30 Daughter 1.1
Wind building, fun meter running high, warm breeze out of the southwest
You know you are having a golden moment when you teenage daughter 1.1 says; "Hey Poppy, let's paddle" and it is 5:30am. "golden" - The Capt'n

Monday, August 8, 2011

Toes up...

Big Weekend - Tom Petty

First off a big shout out Paula who made the big jump from Vegas (babe e) to Madison (Mad-town) over the weekend, Lots of music, good eats and a little paddling. A toes up relaxing weekend.

My brother Nic showed up on Saturday from Hollywierd - more food and more drinks, lots off laughs; man it was good to see him.

Life moves pretty fast, if you don't slow down and look around, you might just miss out. - The Capt'n